MULTI STRAP 5 with ZIP POUCH SS / マルチストラップ5mm ジップポーチSS付き
NLPのアイコンであるロープとオリジナル金具を使用したアイテムは、NLPオリジナルデザインのアルミ製R&W Tensionerを使用したマルチストラップです。ロープの長さ調整を簡単に行うために設計されています。
このマルチストラップは、オンラインストア限定で、ZIP POUCH SSがセットになって販売されています。既存のカメラストラップに専用オリジナルパーツのY JOINTとZIP POUCH SSが付属しています。
上記の注意事項を怠った際に生じた故障や事故に関しての補償はいたしかねますのでご了承くだ さい。
【Product Description】
The item with NLP's iconic rope and original hardware is a multi-strap with NLP's original design aluminum R&W Tensioner. It is designed for easy rope length adjustment.
This multi-strap is sold as a set with ZIP POUCH SS only at the online store. The Y JOINT and ZIP POUCH SS, an exclusive original part, are included with the existing camera strap.
The strap is equipped with Nite Ize's Esbiner Microlock Steel, which can be locked by turning the center knob to prevent loss of keys, cell phones, etc. The load capacity is 1.4 kg.
STRAPPER” is used to attach a cell phone. Made of stainless steel, it is unbreakable and there is no risk of it falling out of the cover. However, please note that depending on the shape of the cell phone cover, it may not be possible to attach.
When attaching a camera, two types of attachments (double ring attachment and 1.5mm pine needle cord attachment) are provided for relatively lightweight cameras such as common mirrorless types, compact digital cameras, and instant cameras. However, depending on the shape of the strap attachment part (suspension bracket) of the camera, it may not be possible to attach.
A strong 20mm POM (polyacetal resin) buckle is used for the attachment replacement part. The joints between the buckle, rope, and rings are made of Hypalon (CSM, chlorosulfonated polyethylene) material with excellent abrasion and chemical resistance, and are smartly finished including strength and sewing surface.
The strap can be used in multiple ways, so please find your favorite way to use it.
【Cautions for use】
Please be sure to read the following before use.
The color and texture of the actual product may appear slightly different from the photo depending on your device or viewing environment.
Design, use, materials, and price are subject to change without notice.
Please note that the mesh of the rope will change as it is used, and the size of the rope may change.
Please do not use this product for any purpose other than camera straps.
Please keep it out of the reach of small children.
Do not use this product while driving a bicycle or car, or while playing with other vehicles, as it may lead to unexpected accidents.
Do not use the product near flammable or combustible materials.
Do not use near flammable or combustible materials.
If the rope is wrapped around a part of the body and squeezed, do not pull hard on the rope, remove it calmly, and consult a doctor immediately.
Please note that no compensation will be provided for any malfunctions or accidents that occur when the above precautions are not taken.
ポリエステル 100%(中芯は、再生ポリエステル糸使用)
【原産国 】